WOW, Let's Do It!
Winners are everyday HEROES.
Winners take their DREAMS seriously.
Winners never give up and wont let you give up either.
Winners have ATTITUDE.
Winners CARE in their sleep.
Winners make big things HAPPEN a little at a time.
Winners say YES to freedom and CHANGE.
Winners go with the flow.
Winners see the BEGINNING in every ending.
Winners EXPECT the best.
Winners INSPIRE the best in others.
Winners are the RICHEST people in the world
when it comes to EXPERIENCE, LAUGHTER, and LOVE..
(Author Unknown)
WOW Pledge
I Pledge To Be
The Best That I Can Be
So I Can Take
My Place In The Circle
And Join With Others
To Make A Difference.
I Am A Winner On Wheels.


WOW - If You Only Believe
I believe the sun will rise each day
Even when clouds block the bright rays

I believe the dark clouds will bring plenty of rain
But once things are watered, the sun shines again.

I believe in the angels, the sun, and the stars.
I believe we are perfect just as we are.

I may not walk the "traditional" way.
But my wheels allow me to run and to play.

You may think I'm "different" and wonder how it feels.
I'm a typical kid when at "Winners-On-Wheels!"

My only true limits are the ones I perceive
Because anything is possible if you only believe.

Chase and click on the puppy to find out more about WOW!

WOW National | What Is WOW? | Community Service | 4th of July | Sports
Challenges | Believe | I'm A Typical Kid | Photo Album | Snow Skiing

Info on Joining WOW | Meet One of the Oregon Leaders

Email WOWOregon!


The WOW image is a ™ property of WOW National and may not be re-used or modified without express permission

All photos property of WOW Oregon or its members.
May not be re-used without permission from WOW Oregon or webmistress .

Site maintained by Kelly
last updated: 8/6/02